- What classes do you teach? Talk a little about them and why you are excited to teach them.
This semester I am looking forward to teaching Academic Writing and American Literature. I love the part that both of these classes play in developing student writing, both in practical skills and in forming and developing ideas. While both of these classes help prepare students for writing in the future, they also show that writing can and should be fun!
- How did you discover your passion for English and writing?
I have always loved writing, but my British Literature class with Judy Musick at Berea Academy helped me realize that I wanted to pursue an English degree in college. At College of the Ozarks, while I was earning my degree in English with a Writing and Rhetoric minor, I had the privilege of working in the writing lab on campus, helping my peers with their writing assignments. I realized very quickly that I wanted to continue to help students with their writing after I graduated college, and I am very excited to do so at Berea Academy!
- What’s your favorite thing about helping people learn to write and improve their communication skills?
Though I love working with students, helping them become comfortable in their communication skills, my favorite thing about helping students learn to write is when my help is no longer needed. Building relationships with students and learning and growing together becomes all the more meaningful when students are confident and comfortable in their writing. Though the goodbye’s are always bittersweet, I find so much joy in my students’ confidence and growth as writers.
- What would students be surprised to find out about you?
I have three older siblings and eleven younger siblings! I love being an older and younger sister, watching my siblings grow up. Even though my house is like a crazy party most of the time, it is my favorite place to be.
- What do you plan on doing during Summer Break?
This summer I will be volunteering at Kids of Victory Summer Camp at Southgate Church. I have been at KOV every summer since I was six years old, as a camper, leader, and intern (if you came last summer, you might know me by my nickname, “Muscle Milk”!). This summer I will be in the craft room, teaching the crafts to the teams. If you’re coming to KOV this summer, be sure to say hi when you see me!
- If you could take any Berea class, which would you want to take? Why?
Though I loved taking my art, dance, Spanish, and English classes at Berea, I was always jealous of the fun activities my siblings participated in for their Wonder and Explore classes. I would be the eldest student by far, but I would enjoy every minute of creativity and hands-on learning.
- What’s your favorite thing to have/bring for lunch?
Taco bowls and homemade soups are my favorite lunches, though I usually add more jalapenos than I can handle.
- What is something you’d like your classes to be famous for?
I would like my classes to be famous for being fun and encouraging. Looking back, I remember all my classes at Berea as being fun and encouraging, and I always looked forward to class time. This is something that I would like my classes to be famous for (though a monthly Weird Hat Wednesday is another option I’m seriously considering).
- Coffee or tea? (or neither?)
Though I like tea, I generally only drink it when I am sick or have a sore throat. I prefer coffee in the morning… and at most other times during the day.
- Do you have any advice for students?
Sometimes, as a homeschooled student, I forgot that homework was about learning. Homework always seemed like an obstacle in between me and having fun. But, as a college student, I discovered that the subjects I enjoyed the most were often the ones I worked at the most. Remember that, even though learning is the goal of homework, learning is the fun part of growing up, and that the fun of learning, like growing up, never stops!