Settling in!
I’m so grateful to work with such amazing instructors, students, and families. Our first week was great. Thank you!
There are some special events ahead of us this year, but this week is still all about the start of the year. Students are still figuring out schedules, supplies, and homework. Grace is an amazing gift we all have been given and can pour out for each other.
Meet Zach Fuller
Parents – if you need to reach someone on campus, you now have two options. Zach Fuller is joining us this year as our campus assistant. Mr. Zach will be on campus ready to lend a hand with the random things that come up. If you’d like to meet Zach, come into the building when dropping your student off and say hello.
Important Phone Numbers:
Beth Mennemeyer: 314 556 4725
Zach Fuller: 256 603 2912
Text is great if you need to get us information. If it is urgent/crisis, please text and call if possible.
That wraps the most important things! If you’re moving on to your next email, see you this week on campus!
Mrs. M
What I did on Summer Vacation
Many people have asked me how my Summer went. It was a crazy ride – crazier than usual, I think. I’d like to share a bit of my Summer adventures with you over the next few weeks. The important/need to know things are above.
Hearing Aids!
Some students may remember that in the Spring, I had a hearing related accident/injury. An engine backfired very close to my right ear, causing Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL). The doctor had hoped the loss would be temporary. Unfortunately, the damage is permanent. My other ear has been compromised for quite a while, and the sudden loss in the right has been significant.
Honestly, it’s been hard to adjust to the sudden change in my hearing. In the beginning, I was sad about the immediate way it impacted my life. One of my favorite “Berea things” is to help the younger students out of their car at morning drop off. It gives me a chance to talk with them, get any quick notes from parents, as well as greet the older student on their way into the building. I frequently encourage the young students to be LOUD during drop off, in an attempt to give them an outlet before they head inside. A temporary side effect of SSHL is hearing sensitivity. I couldn’t tolerate morning assembly for a bit. I missed those morning in May. I’m so excited to be back on duty now!
About a month ago, I picked up a fancy new pair of hearing aids. The impact they have is huge. I can hear conversation clearly for the first time since the accident. I am stunned at how much these devices improve my life every day.
But even good things can be hard sometimes. I’m still trying to remember to put them in my ears every day. And I’m struggling to make sure they stay in my ears properly.
I hope this helps explain a few things. If it looks like I’m fumbling with my ear, it’s probably because my hearing aid is giving me problems. If I ask you to repeat something, it could be because I forgot my hearing aids!
I’ve also learned some big lessons in this midst of this adventure. Constantly asking family and friends to repeat something, to say it louder, to wait a moment so I can focus on them… I have learned new things about patience. Patience is more than a virtue. It’s more than a quality we carry. Patience is an action, one we can show and we can ask for. Patience is a state of mind. Patience is finding God’s Peace about things. Patience is also plentiful, both in us and around us, as part of the tools we have for living our lives.
Thanks for patiently reading!