A very sincere thank you to those who are volunteering with Berea. The beautiful work we do is made much easier and richer for your service.
We are still looking for:
Technology Researcher
Lunch/Recess Monitor: Tuesday 11:15 am – 12:45 pm.
If you cannot make a permanent commitment, I understand. Even a shorter commitment is welcome.
Contact me at BereaAcademyStL@gmail.com
It’s Chilly out there (sometimes)!
Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather of the day. These last few weeks have been exciting! We try to go outside when we can, and it’s hard on students who are dressed inappropriately.
Also, label your students’ jackets, sweaters, coats, etc. Anything a student might wear gratefully in the morning chill and then forget in the afternoon sun! We want to make sure these items make it home again.
Season of Sick days and Vacation Time
When a student is ill, we encourage them to stay home. The road to feeling better often means more rest and less time out of the house. If your student is ill, please let us know they will be absent.
We know how great it is to take vacation time during the regular school year! If you have a planned absence scheduled, contact your instructors. They will help you make a plan so your student doesn’t miss important class instruction or work. Our goal is to help your student take vacation time and manage school successfully.
Our holiday schedule for 2023/2024:
Thanksgiving: No School 11/22, 11/23, and 11/24; 2023
Christmas: No School 12/26, 12/17, 12/28; 2023 and 1/3, 1/4, 1/5; 2024
Easter: No School 3/26, 3/37, and 3/28=; 2024
Please note we also take a “Bonus week” in February called ‘Wish it Was Spring Break’
No school 2/20, 2/21, and 2/22; 2024