Welcome to October
How has the school year started for you and your families? Have you settled into routines, or are you still finding your footing?
In my home, we are still finding the balance of the “full” school year. We are weaving together different needs, schedules, events, and more. I know it can take us a bit to find our stride, and I know it will happen. We keep working towards it!
In part, finding this balance has impacted Berea’s newsletter. I apologize for the absence of the Monday release the last few weeks. I’m glad to be sending this out today, and look forward to establishing this routine, as well.
On Campus Celebrations
Many students celebrate personal events throughout the school year. The most common celebration are birthdays. If you would like to help your student celebrate a birthday on campus, contact your child’s instructor for guidance. It’s fun to share the joy!
In addition, our younger students will be celebrating some notable days this year. Wonder and Explore and Level Up instructors are thinking about ways to approach ‘100 Days of School’ and Valentine’s Day. Instructors will be in touch with parents directly about these events.
As an academy, we celebrate three holidays during the school year: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Classroom celebrations may be planned, and will vary by age group. All students will have time off from classes, though!
Our holiday schedule for 2023/2024:
Thanksgiving: No School 11/22, 11/23, and 11/24; 2023
Christmas: No School 12/26, 12/17, 12/28; 2023 and 1/3, 1/4, 1/5; 2024
Easter: No School 3/26, 3/37, and 3/28=; 2024
Please note we also take a “Bonus week” in February called ‘Wish it Was Spring Break’
No school 2/20, 2/21, and 2/22; 2024
Berea Needs You!
Yes, you! Well. Perhaps. Berea does have some needs, please read through and prayerfully consider if you can contribute. The volunteer opportunities vary in time, frequency, and interests.
Technology Researcher:
For many years, Berea Academy has relied on our Web Coordinators to research potential technology resources for us. First, a Founding Member, Kim R, was a huge gift to our organization. For the last few years, my husband Marc Brooks, has happily filled this role. At the moment, Marc is quite busy with his professional work while also limited in the amount of computer/screen time he can effectively use.
This role requires Technology knowledge, the ability to assess technology resources, and a few hours a month. The work is ‘as needed.’ At the moment, I need someone to research options for group texting, to be used when Berea needs to communicate high priority information to parents.
Lunch/Recess Monitor:
Tuesday: 11:15 – 12:45
Thursday: 11:15 – 12:45
If you are only available to volunteer for part of the year, that would be welcome.
As always, if you need to reach me:
3145564725 (text)
Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers for my hearing loss. I am endlessly blessed by this community.
Mrs. M