Costumes on Campus
We respect that our community has many different opinions about Halloween. Over the years, we have enjoyed costumes during the week of Halloween. We do not “trick or treat,” though we do celebrate each individual’s creativity and fun.
Child friendly costumes are welcome October 31, November 1, and November 2. For students who do not wish to wear a costume but still want to participate, they may have pajama day.
I may wear my pjs all week, “dressed” as a tired teacher. 🙂
Parent/Teacher Conferences
A key to successful partnership is communication. At Berea, we have a formal Parent/Teacher Conference each November. This year, conferences are scheduled for November 16, 2023.
Our goal is to sit down with parents and work with them to create success for their student. Each student’s need is different. To help you understand if a conference would be useful, you will receive some reports in the next few weeks. First, midterm grade reports will be sent October 30, 2023. Second, instructors will be sending you an email specifically stating where they see students struggling, being successful, and generally how the student is managing in class.
These tools will help you decide if a conference will be beneficial to you and your family. We look forward to working with you and developing a deeper partnership.
Holiday Schedule
Just a reminder!
Our holiday schedule for 2023/2024:
Thanksgiving: No School 11/22, 11/23, and 11/24; 2023
Christmas: No School 12/26, 12/17, 12/28; 2023 and 1/3, 1/4, 1/5; 2024
Easter: No School 3/26, 3/37, and 3/28=; 2024
Please note we also take a “Bonus week” in February called ‘Wish it Was Spring Break’
No school 2/20, 2/21, and 2/22; 2024
See you on campus!
Mrs. M