Loving the Sunny Start to February!

Next Steps for 2024/2025
I know it’s hard to think about a whole new school year while we’re still knee deep in this one. This is the February Crazy!
Thank you for joining us in prayer for the future. We are continuing to pray. It’s also time to begin gathering data for the future. As a group, we talk about what is working in the classroom, what isn’t, what we like, what we don’t – a revision of everything so far. It’s the best way to lay the next layer of foundation.
In the next few weeks, I will be sending out surveys to parents. Participation is optional and anonymous. We’ll be asking you to share your 23/24 experience.
Asking these questions in a pivotal part of Berea’s growth. If you have any thoughts about next year, don’t hesitate. We’re open to curriculum suggestions, instructor recommendations, schedule ideas, and more.
Student Absences
If your student cannot attend class, please let us know. The morning of class, please contact Beth at BereaAcademyStL@gmail.com or by text 314 556 4725.
If your family is planning an absence, contact the instructors to create a success plan. It’s important for you, your student, and the instructors to support the absence as well as possible
“Wish it Was Spring Break” is February 20, 21, and 22, 2024
There are no classes that week.