Classes are back in session.
I hope all of you had a great, refreshing break. The sunshine these last few days has been a blessing on my soul! God’s light is beckoning.
Our schedule proceeds as normal. If you have a planned absence coming up, please contact your instructor to make a plan for success.
Here at Berea Academy, we have some amazing portrait photographers. They have offered to donate their time and skills to help Berea Academy refill our financial tank! If you want to take our interest survey, email BereaAcademyStL@gmail.com
Spring Showcase
Our students are preparing for the Spring Showcase on May 10, 2024. Plan to attend with family and friends. It’s an exciting night of student’s hard work on display.
Are you being called to 2024/2025?
As we plan for and pray over the upcoming school year, we accept we don’t know all the details! For a planner like me, that’s a lesson I’ve been growing in every year.
If you are being called to connect more with Berea is 24/25, please email me. In the next weeks, our prayers are focused on encountering additional instructors and new Board Members.
Thank you all for gracing us with a rest last week. Though January and February haven’t been as bitterly cold this year, it can still be a difficult time to push through. The last week before break, many people I spoke with were experiencing fatigue and feeling generally drained. Some time off and away is vital to the health of our instructors and volunteers.
I am continuously blessed by the love and support of our community. I’m excited to be back on campus this week.
Mrs. M