Orientation is Monday, August 26. 6pm. in the Building!

Dearest Berea Community,

Berea has consistently been dedicated to partnering with families to provide quality, excellence, and connection in their homeschool journey.

We are an organization that trusts God’s leadership, from Glory to Glory.  Our rich history of amazing administration, staff, and instructors have allowed us to effectively execute that vision

through seasons of challenge and blessing.

With that in mind, we want to share a transition taking place during the 24/25 school year.

Our beloved Beth Mennemeyer is  being called to a new path beyond Berea after the 24/25 school year. Back in Berea’s first year, an instructor wisely said “I hold this job with an open hand,” leaning on God’s calling and direction for her time in all things. Beth, too, has held Berea in an open hand, willing to follow God’s direction. God is calling Beth into a new chapter of leadership, support, and love for God’s community and His people. We know God is good and rejoice at God’s plan in action. Join us in praying for Beth and her family as they follow God’s calling. We’re thrilled to have the entire 24/25 year together first!

We believe that God brings us the right people at the right time to create the Berea we know and love! Berea has always been committed to delivering the same level of quality even when circumstances change.

The Board of Directors has defined a leadership structure and initial transition plan for the coming year. As a fundamental step in that plan, Maggie Sanazaro and Jessica Turcios have stepped into administrative roles. Beth remains committed to Berea through the 24/25 year, training and supporting the new administrative team and instructing students in the classroom.

Maggie Sanazaro has been our Instructional Specialist since the second semester of 23/24. She has served Berea as an instructor since 2017 and served a term as President on the Board of Directors. Maggie and her husband, Nick, have four children whom they homeschool. Maggie herself also grew up homeschooling. To Berea, she is the queen of our math department, bringing her degree in education and years of experience in teaching. We are so excited to have her leadership and her strengths focused on maintaining academic standards.

Jessica Turcios joined Berea in 2019 as a campus liaison and was brought on as an instructor the following year. She has served on the Board of Directors for the last year and as the Board President for the second semester. With Jessica’s shift into administration she resigned from Board President, in accordance with Berea’s bylaws. Jessica remains a general board member, representing the needs and interests of our Berea community. Many of you know “Miss Jess” as the fun-loving art and literature instructor in the Wonder and Explore program which she co-created with Beth in 2019. She is a single mother to four sons, one of whom she still homeschools. Homeschooling is near and dear to her heart as she grew up in a homeschooling home. Her love of teaching, her creativity, and vision for the program are a huge asset to our organization.

Beth has a long legacy at Berea and has become the “Face of Berea” that we all know and love. Beth was brought to Berea within weeks of the founding vision to be the operations “go to.” A few years after our founding, Beth was described as the “wheels” of the “luxury sports car that is Berea.” Though her role in Berea has shifted over time, Beth’s ability to see the needs of our organization created the stability Berea needs to truly shine in Grace, Joy, and Blessings. Together, Maggie, Jessica, and Beth are committed to upholding Berea’s values, academic standards, and quality. Behind the scenes and in the classroom, Beth is a cherished member of the 24/25 Berea team.

We are encouraged, hopeful, and confident, that God will navigate both Beth and Berea into our

respective new seasons. We would like to invite the entire Berea community to pray for the new administrative team, their families, Beth’s new chapter, and the students of 24/25.

Thank you all for your support as we approach this new season… together!

Yours Faithfully,

Beth, Maggie, and Jess

A Note from Maggie

It has been a privilege to witness Berea’s growth and transformation through different leaders and seasons since my initial interview with our founder Judy in 2017. I had no idea then what a special place Berea would become in my life. While some faces may have changed through the years, the commitment to serving families as a quality, Christian partner in their homeschool journey has remained constant. Beth has been an incredible cornerstone of our community, offering invaluable care and support to parents, students, and staff. Although it’s difficult to imagine Berea without her, I have watched Beth herself walk through this process when other administrators moved on, and am confident in her ability to provide the training and support needed for us to uphold Berea’s vision and legacy. It’s a joy to partner with Jess, a wonderful educator, community leader, and friend who has been integral to our community. I am blessed to collaborate with her this year as we transition into this new chapter.

Ms Maggie

A Note from Jessica

We are entering a new version of Berea this year, one that we have never seen before. I have seen many iterations of Berea Academy over the years and I have watched the natural uncertainty of growth unfold. Yet through every doubt and every challenge…we remain!

By the grace of God, we remain!

In the past I have seen our community pulled at the seams and yet I have seen it rise again and again into another version that I fall in love with.

It’s with mixed emotions that I step into leadership, Beth has been a mentor and a friend for many years. I am so grateful for all she has poured into me and for her dedication to our training this year.

Maggie is a treasured friend and colleague, I believe that as a team we are going to see Berea thrive!

I am committed to continuing to serve the best interest of Berea and all of its wonderful families.

There is no doubt in my mind that we can continue to create amazing things together!

Miss Jess

A Note from Beth

Many of you know that Berea has been a crucible for me. Crucible is defined as “a situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new.” In all honesty, Berea has been a severe trial at times. But at all times, different elements have interacted: our founder, Judy’s, unending energy and passion; the amazing instructors I have worked with; the students. Above all, the students have been the most essential element. My heart has been broken and reformed more times than I can count – often in the course of a few minutes – as students blessed me with themselves. I have been abundantly blessed by the trust families and students have shown me. Through the crucible of Berea, I am new:  I have learned, relearned, and continued to develop God’s Spiritual Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit. Though I know I have so much more to learn, God is calling me to step into a new chapter so that I can continue to work in His Kingdom for the betterment of His people.

My heart is tender with this direction. My family is tender. I’m sure you can appreciate the joy of being called combined with the path blazing before you. I’m sure you can appreciate the heartbreak of saying farewell to this setting. I’m so grateful to have this upcoming year together!

I’m probably going to start carrying one of those personal packs of tissue in my pocket. I find tears fall a little easier these days. Tears of joy. Tears of sadness. Tears of peace.

I’m overwhelmed by the enthusiasm Ms Jess and Ms Maggie have for their new roles at Berea. They know, as I do, that Berea doesn’t belong to any of us; Berea is God’s, always. I’m looking forward to a year full of adventure with all of our Berea  community. I’m ready to stand watch at the playground, remind students to walk (not run) in the hall, maybe even hand out a bandaid or two. Jessica, Maggie, and I are ready to step boldly.

Judy led Berea with the guidance: Walk forward faithfully. Maggie, Jessica, and I are putting one foot in front of the other to follow that sage wisdom. We walk forward together, this year, in faith and trust.

I have been so blessed with and by Berea. Thank you.

With love,
Ms. Beth