Weather Reminders and Attendance Line

The leaves have started to change! What a great reminder to talk about the weather.

Happy Monday, everyone! Ms. Beth here with another weekly newsletter. Thanks for reading!
The rain has been a welcome relief – at least at my home, where everything outside was dry and crunchy. I know rain isn’t the best news for everyone. The weather the last few days has gotten our attention!

Some important things to keep in mind when your student attends Berea:

1. Have your student dress in a layer or two. We are still going outside as much as possible, and last week the morning needed a sweater. But students are still active on the playground during recess, dropping those jackets left and right.

2. Put your child’s name in their jacket/sweater. Once our students get all warmed up, it’s hard for them to remember they started out with an outer layer. A name label has already helped several jackets get home again.

Please note: this is especially relevant for our younger Wonder and Explore students!

If we need to cancel class due to weather, we will email you, update our home page, and announce it on KSDK. We will also change the message on our attendance line.

…attendance line? Yes!

If your student is going to be significantly late or unexpectedly absent, we’re making it easier to get in touch with us! Berea has a new official phone number. You call, leave a message, and we will get the information to the correct instructors. You can also text us at the same number! The number is connected to our email account. You can use it at any time.

Call Berea at: (314) 730-6258‬

A Side Note

Berea is a prayerful place. Instructors are praying for their students. Parents are praying for instructors. In the building, we’re praying for each other!

If you need prayer, please let us know. It is our humble honor to pray for you. You can email, text or call the phone number above, or park your car and ask for prayer. Though we are busy, there is always a way to stop to pray.

I was reminded this evening of the rest, comfort, and peace found in God’s warmth and light. I pray for all of us to bask in God’s unending and unceasing love.

Ms. Beth