Introducing Nicole Davis

An art piece by Nicole!

Berea is excited to welcome Nicole Davis to our staff! She was kind enough to share this interview with us to introduce herself.

What classes do you teach? Talk a little about them and why you are excited to teach them.

I will be teaching advanced drawing and beginning watercolor painting.  We will be exploring figure drawing this semester in advanced drawing.  We will discuss bone and muscle structure as well as proper proportions when drawing a person. In beginning watercolor painting we will continue working on color theory and beginning watercolor techniques.

How did you discover your passion for art?

I have always loved the arts.  When I was young I wanted to work for disney.  I started getting serious about art in college.  My favorite thing to do is create something beautiful for friends and family members.

What’s your favorite medium of art to create/observe? 

This is a hard one for me because I love to create and learn new skills.  If I had to pick one, I would probably choose painting, especially murals.  There is something special about starting with a plain space and turning into something extraordinary.  

What would students be surprised to find out about you?

 Hmmm…. Probably that my mom didn’t even know I could draw until I was in college.

What are you doing during Winter Break?

We’ll be staying home for Christmas, then visiting my parents over the weekend. Otherwise we won’t be doing much.

If you could take any Berea class, which would you want to take? Why?

This is another hard question since there are so many great classes.  I’d probably have to say american sign language.  It’s a skill I’ve always wanted to learn. 

What’s your favorite thing to have/bring for lunch? 

Pizza.  I really love pizza.

What is something you’d like your classes to be famous for?

I would like my classes to be famous for teaching students how to incorporate new skills into their own unique style. 

Coffee or tea? (or neither?)


Do you have any advice for students?

Try everything.  You never know if you like it until you try it.  Find the things in life that make you happy and that you can be passionate about.