Introducing Kerrigan Fine

We’re proud to introduce our new Acrylic Painting teacher, Kerrigan Fine! She caught up with one of our staff to share a little bit about her class, her connection to art, and personality.

What classes do you teach? Talk a little about them and why you are excited to teach them.

I teach Acrylic Painting Through Art History. In this class we learn about artists from different periods of history (such as Impressionism and Post-Impressionism), and look at examples of their work to draw inspiration from for our own acrylic paintings. I’m very excited to teach this class, because I’m taking art history in college and find it fascinating! I also love painting in acrylic.

How did you discover your passion for art?

I have had a passion for art ever since I received my first drawing tool as a toddler: a Magna Doodle, but my passion has increased throughout the years of taking drawing and other art classes while homeschooling, and in college.

What’s your favorite medium of art to create/observe? 

My most favorite art medium is acrylic paint!

What would students be surprised to find out about you?

Students may be surprised to find out that I once traveled to Italy with my father and my aunt. It is one of my most precious memories and I saw a lot of incredible art and architecture while I was there. The paintings in St. Peter’s Basilica were my favorite. 

What are you doing during Winter Break?

During winter break I have been organizing my art supplies, reading books, and eating a lot of homemade cookies.

If you could take any Berea class, which would you want to take? Why?

If I were taking a class at Berea I would love to take the Open Studio art class. It is so nice to have time set aside specifically for making art.

What’s your favorite thing to have/bring for lunch? 

My favorite lunch to bring is a turkey and swiss cheese sandwich on toasted bread with mayo. I like sea salt and vinegar chips, and to drink; iced tea or water.

What is something you’d like your classes to be famous for?

I would like my classes to be famous for having a lot of fun while creating/learning. A space to relax and laugh and learn.

Coffee or tea? (or neither?)

Coffee or tea? Both, but unfortunately coffee makes me jittery, so usually its hot tea with half and half and honey.

Do you have any advice for students?

My advice to the art students: Do not be overly critical of your work. (I have to remind myself of this too).