Literature for Junior High


Instructor TBA
$250 Semester; $500 Full Course
7th-9th Grade
Prerequisite: None
Min Required Students: 6 Max Seats Available: 12
Class Day: Tuesday
First Session: 10:00 am – 11:25 am 
Books: Mosdos Press, Gold Level, Student Edition Available here at Rainbow Resource, $62
Mosdos Press, Gold Level, Student Workbook Available here at Rainbow Resource, $24

Note: There are used copies of these books available. Be sure to compare ISBN number to confirm the version needed

Mosdos Press Literature program is a comprehensive approach to Language Arts for Junior High. 2023/2024 is using “Gold,” which is also labeled as 8th grade. This program replaces Lightning Literature. In 2024/2025, the program will alternate with “Jade,” the 7th grade program. 

The student edition is an anthology, with short stories, poetry, drama, nonfiction, novellas, and excerpts from novels. Gold level also contains the complete novel The Voyage of the Lucky Dragon by Jack Bennett. This book serves as the sole source of reading materials needed to successfully complete the course. 

The student workbook contains a variety of exercises to guide and instruct the student. Comprehension questions are an important part of Jade and Gold levels. The answer keys for these pages are not contained in the student books, they are only found in the Teacher’s edition. However, parents should not need this resource. 

The advantage to Mosdos Press is the systematic instruction of character building/ethics and a literary element. Questions about the readings are both analytical and literal. These texts use literature to forge a complete foundation of literary understanding. 

Interested families may still select this option during enrollment. When enrolling for a course  with incomplete information on the instructor or the required materials,  parents are entitled to a refund without penalty.

Literature is part of the Junior High program