Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We rent space from Southgate Church, located at 9820 E Watson Road, Crestwood MO.

When are classes?

Classes are held on Wednesday and Thursday of each week. Campus opens at 9:45 am and closes at 4:45 pm.

How do I enroll?

Berea Academy has an Application and Enrollment Process, please see the Student Information page.

Where can I find my student’s schedule?

Your student’s personal schedule is in the ThinkWave system. Please login there to see individualized information for each student.

The complete school-wide course schedule (in a class-grid form) can be viewed by clicking the button below.

Why does Berea Academy use an application based system?

Each student must apply to attend Berea Academy. This application allows our Staff to get to know you and your family. You may apply using this student application form. Adults are permitted to attend classes; please apply using this adult application form.

How is Berea Academy different from other homeschool resources in the St. Louis Metro area?

Berea Academy is not a home school co-op nor are we modeling ourselves after other learning centers. We desire to provide a fresh and unique learning experience and therefore, our application process is also unique.

We are a partner to your homeschooling journey. We help provide structure, accountability, and support. Our academically rigorous programs, paired with our grace and love based approach to relationships, creates an environment for growth and learning.

The organization is a drop off program, featuring a study hall system for monitored “non-class” time. Parent involvement is welcome but not required beyond supporting your student in their work at home.

What are your fees?

There are three main fees in our organization: 1. Tuition 2. Materials or Lab Fees and 3. the Application fee. The application fee is $10 per student and only required once. Tuition and materials fees may change from one school year to the next, but the pricing structure will not change during the year. There are no additional building or operations fees.

When will I receive my invoice?

Once you have entered your enrollment information, our staff will review and schedule your students into the classes if available. Berea Academy has a tiered enrollment system that ensures teachers’ students, former student and new students (in that order) are scheduled into classes. Once your student has been allocated into courses, an invoice will be emailed to you. For further details, please see the Student Information and Billing an Payment pages.

What is Study Hall and why is it mandatory if my student has a gap in their schedule while they are on campus?

In order to maintain academic focus—both for your student and other students attending—during the campus day, students are required to be in class or in a study hall while on campus. We do not have the space or the personnel to manage unattended students.

Does Berea Academy restrict what students may attend?

Berea Academy does not discriminate against students. We have a strict Nondiscriminatory Policy toward all students.

How do I report problems with the website?

    If you need to communicate with the Webmaster just fill out this form and we'll get you connected!