Infectious Disease Policy, History: 2023/2024

To help our community understand the way Berea Academy has approached COVID-19 and infectious disease, we have provided this history of our COVID-19 related policies.

For the 2023/2024 school year, Berea Academy is continuing to consider infectious diseases as part of responsible student management. 

We trust parents to keep their children home when they are ill and bring them to class when they are well. Students are not penalized for illness or disease exposure related absences or missed deadlines. However, absences without timely notification may be penalized. 

A student must remain home until 24 hours after they are free of symptoms of infectious disease, without the use of symptom reducing medication. Students suffering from complications such as Frequent Fever Syndrome, seasonal allergies, or other non-contagious symptoms of illness may be exempt from the 24 hour period, if a prior diagnosis and plan has been communicated with administration. 

Any student participating on campus must be well enough to take part in our regular program, including outdoor play. 

Face coverings will always be welcome, as some families may need to utilize face coverings more frequently than the general public. For the staff and students, face coverings may be recommended, though not required, throughout the year. 

Infectious disease policy adjustments may be made throughout the year. All policy adjustments require approval from the Board of Directors. Policy adjustments do not qualify for tuition refunds or for a no-fault withdrawal.