Missouri State History/Study Skills

Missouri State History and Study Skills

Part of the Junior High Program

Maria Tetley
$215 semester / $430 full year
Min required students:6 M ax available seats: 12
Class Day: Tuesday
Second Session: 12:30 pm – 1:55 pm

Missouri State History, Student Booklet Available here at Rainbow Resource, $20.95
Victus Study Skills System, Student Workbook Available here at Rainbow Resource, $20 
Or, choose to purchase the Teacher’s Guide and Student Workbook to understand and support your student: Available here at Rainbow Resource, $49

Syllabus available in August, 2023.

Missouri state history is recommended for students working towards a high school diploma. Required by law in public schools, it is not required for homeschool graduation. However, it is a fascinating exploration of our home state.

Missouri history pairs wonderfully with learning study skills. By understanding specific steps and strategies, developing specific skills, and utilizing tools, they increase the ability and likelihood of using these daily. The lessons move students through evaluating where they are now, exploring where they want to be, and determining how to get there. These study skills are put into practice each week as students work through their history homework. 

This course is targeted to 7th and 8th grade students. However, an interested and supported younger student can be successful as well. 

Students in the Core Concepts program may take Missouri State History and Study Skills, though it is part of the Junior High class offerings.