
Science is a core discipline at Berea Academy. We offer classes for all skill levels, including comprehensive STEMS courses for elementary and middle-school students, along with physical sciences for middle-school students. Biology is available for High School students.

Berea Science Department Mission Statement:

The mission of the science department stems from the mission of Berea: “…to reach unity…in the knowledge of the Son of God” (Ephesians 4:13). One way we come to know God is by studying his creation (Genesis 1:1). As we do so, we honor and glorify God, and love him with our whole minds (Matthew 22:37).

Objectives of Berea Science Courses:

Through our science classes, we seek to instill three things in our students:

  1. Awe and wonder – an attentiveness to the natural world that sparks curiosity, both about the workings of nature and about their Creator
  2. Content – an understanding of the natural world, that will bring them to a deeper understanding of the nature of God
  3. Scientific method – a comprehension of the process of scientific inquiry, both to aid in further scientific studies, and to help them think critically and become wise consumers of scientific information

How Best to Describe Berea Science Classes:

Science classes at Berea are at the same time academically rigorous, and also engaging and interactive. Students have the opportunity to work with their peers, interact with knowledgeable teachers, and be held to a high academic standard. The goal of Berea science classes is to teach specific content, while at the same time exposing the students to the process of scientific inquiry, particularly from a Christian perspective.